So, as we previously mentioned, we’ve finally finished the mural -- a bittersweet ending. We won’t lie, it was not an easy project. It feels like we’ve spent a majority of our summer vacation at the school. We’ve had to spend a lot of money. We’ve been really tired. We’ve had to plan a lot (something that is definitely not our strong suit). On our final day, we started working at 1:00 and stayed until 12:30 in the morning trying to finish. And we haven’t even cleaned up yet, which will be a process in and of itself. But it’s there, isn’t it? It stands tall, it doesn’t look half bad, and we’ve had a real adventure doing it. We learned how to brew tea in the English office. We finally had our picnic. We tried to watch the sunset a bunch of times and just happened to miss it each time. We saw KR. We met Gustav. We even bumped into Ryan and his dog Luther on our last day. And when we finished yesterday, it really didn’t feel like the end. This process - going to an empty school, painting ...
“I like it when somebody gets excited about something. It's nice.”